Yesterday was the two year anniversary of getting our cats. When we got them from the Humane Society, they were teeny tiny kittens: Now they are about six times bigger: They are as playful as ever. All the books said…
Monsoon Madness, Cats and Why Being a Linux User Can be Tricky
Apologies for how few pool updates we’ve had! There are two reasons for this. One) we have had frequent enough monsoon storms that there have been significant delays. Two) Chris and I both run Linux rather than Windows PCs or…
Floors, Cat Chess & The Lego Movie 2
The house is getting so so close. The last time we went it felt the most done it ever had by quite a long shot. It now has title floors in the rooms we chose tile (all but the bedrooms…
A Year of Cats
We have now had the cats for a little over a year. We absolutely would have posted this on the day, but we have had a month of visitors and a few other major developments that we will tell you…
Kitten Meets Drone
We will have major updates coming soon, but in the meantime, here is mainly Zosia’s, but also some of Kasia’s, reaction to Chris’s new drone:
The Kittens at 4 Months
The kittens have grown so much just in the last month. Looking back at photos of both of them from just a month ago, they look so much smaller. This is both of them right after Christmas: Whereas this photo…
Our Second Year in Arizona: Bureaucracy, Convenience and Kittens
Our second full year in Arizona was a bit less intense than the first one, but I still feel we had a lot to learn. Chris started off contracting and was upgraded to being a full time employee, so that…
The Kittens at 3 Months / A HiJenx Christmas
When we first got the kittens, I did weekly updates for the first month. Due to the business of the holiday season and in order to not overdo it, I’ve decided to go for monthly updates in the future. They…
The Kittens at Week 12
After nearly a month with us, the kittens were both getting much more adventurous. In particular, Zosia is madly obsessed with getting into the office or bedroom. Sometimes she will even sit by the bedroom this time, door, meowing when…
The Kittens at Week 11
In our third week with the kittens, they both seemed very comfortable. Their comfort led them to want to go exploring more, which led to further cat proofing. So many people we’ve talked to seemed to think cat proofing was…