Chris has always wanted to own something like a pizza oven or a tandoor in order to make proper pizza and proper chicken tikka. With the realization that the grills can get up to 600F / 315C depending on weather conditions,…
Grilling a Bacon Sandwich
As our regular readers will know, we have taken up grilling quite extensively. We have grilled most days since the new pool area opened back up (that video really will come out some day, but due to technical difficulties, not quite…
Grilling Chicken Tikka
Chris has gotten closer than ever to his dream of making ‘proper’ chicken tikka at home thanks to the grills where we live getting up to 600F/315C. If you have a grill and want to try it yourselves: Score 1.5 lb…
Grilling Faijtas with Classichef Silicone Gloves and a Culina Grill Basket
We have grilled a fair number of things now with the excellent gas grills our property provide, but by far the most impressive was Chris’s chicken fajitas. We’ve made them a few times now, but the first time we made…
Arizona: The Delightful, The Delicious and the Dusty
Now that we have been here for a while, we are quite certain that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As far as we can tell, the information we gathered on the road about Arizona was fairly accurate. We will start with…
Barbecuing in the Dry Heat
We did another repeat from Chris’s parents’ visit, grilling out, which was lovely. Here is a short video of the cookout and my parents’ musings on dry heat:
Chris’s First Attempt at Grilling a Steak
As we have discussed before, we have had lots of renovations going on at our apartment complex. This means the nearest grill + pool set up is a little further away, so we haven’t used it as much. We did…
Poolside BBQ with Chris’s Parents
With the arrival of Chris’s parents, we decided to have our first proper barbecue in Arizona. The term for the thing we did gets complicated. I will let wikipedia do some of the explaining: “In general British usage, barbecuing refers to…