
Day 33 Part 1: Vermont

We really loved Vermont. After staying in a lovely hotel and having a good night, we felt positive about things. The people we continued to meet in Vermont helped maintain this. They have an absolutely gorgeous that is fantastically well maintained. Bennington had three covered bridges and a little waterfall:

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They also had a Revolutionary war monument with a view of three states:

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After seeing a view of Massachusetts and New York, we walked down the street to Vermont’s oldest church, where we saw the grave of Robert Frost and spoke to some lovely women who belonged to the Congregationalist church, which we learned is what the Puritans eventually became. Both of them were from other states, but had moved to Vermont as adults. They told us there were few native Vermonters, so Vermont seems to be a state that people choose to live in for the most part rather than just happening to be born there.

We could see why, it was a very lovely place. The name, green mountain in French, made a lot of sense. It was indeed full of lovely green mountains. It was also just so clean, both in the sense of human structures being well maintained and that they haven’t polluted it in any serious way. The air smelled fantastic.

We also passed through Manchester, VT and Peru, VT, which were just as friendly and clean as Bennington.

One big downside to Vermont is there are few jobs that aren’t to do with tourism. We were told most people in other industries need to be able to work remotely. This might be possible for us someday, but probably not as the first place we’d live in the US. It’s certainly on my list for places to retire to though.

Check out the video:

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