
Heat Special Part 2

So last year, we did a blog post on the heat, as it’s what Arizona is known for. The hottest day of the year so far happened to coincide with the first day of summer in Arizona, which for time zone reasons happened the day before it happened in much of the rest of the country and Britain. And I am sure of this, as Google tells me so:

We got a new all time high temperature for either of us:

A few days ago, we also experienced a new all time low for humidity at 3%, which I have to say, was pretty intense. I think skin starts to dry out a lot more under about 5%, whereas I think we are both pretty well used to anything in the 6-10% range. 119 didn’t especially faze us though. I am still all for 119 over -40, or heck, even normal old freezing. I still don’tĀ feel an inkling to experience cold again. I thought it was too cold in December when it was in the 60s honestly.

Here’s the video:


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