
Doctor Who: The Eaters of Light

The Eaters of Light is unique among Doctor Who episodes in that the writer, Rona Munro, is the only person to write for both the classic series and the new one. She also penned the very last one of the Classic run, Survival. I haven’t seen Survival yet, but I found this episode to be very enjoyable. It was a similar quality to the previous 9 episodes of this series in that it was quite good, I was very entertained and at no point bored.

I liked that they went a bit further back in time than usual. I wish they would travel back to ancient times a bit more frequently. I enjoyed Bill’s interaction with the remains of the Roman legion. I very much liked her discovery of the translation matrix. I also liked their sudden comprehension of each other’s languages being the reason the Picts and the Romans decided to work together and trust the Doctor. It felt like a valid proof of his other claims.

The monster wasn’t quite as scary or compelling as others from this series. I mainly enjoyed this for the interactions with historical humans rather than the sci fi being especially interesting. Nardole was great again. Matt Lucas was the right guy for the job. He has yet to disappoint. Only two more two go.


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