
Grilling Faijtas with Classichef Silicone Gloves and a Culina Grill Basket

2016-08-25 18.26.25We have grilled a fair number of things now with the excellent gas grills our property provide, but by far the most impressive was Chris’s chicken fajitas.  We’ve made them a few times now, but the first time we made them, we also tried out heat resistant gloves and claws by Classichef and a Culina grill basket with great success. If anything, the grilled version was so delicious, we had no interest in using any of the condiments we usually put on Mexican food in the house such as guacamole, salsa and cheddar cheese. The onion, peppers, jalapeños, cilatro and chicken on tortillas were more than sufficient. In terms of flavor, it actually bore quite a striking similarity to one of our best meals on the road, Mexican food in Dallas.

Here’s the video:


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