
Chris’s Birthday

Today is Chris’s birthday. Unlike most holidays or occasions, we are able to post something from it on the day in the morning because due to a change in time zone, his birthday started last night at 8:40 as he was born in the UK at 3:40 in the morning and we are 7 hours west. In a way, his birthday has shifted from today to a bit of yesterday and most of today. That said, we will still be celebrating today and probably on the weekend as well as a) we go to bed very early, so we went to bed about 20 minutes after his birthday started and b) he is on a course this week in Phoenix through his work, so he has to leave later and then gets back a bit later compared to his normal work day.

Here’s a short video of the start of his birthday:

And here’s what he got for his birthday so far:

2016-02-17 07.15.49

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