
Day 138: Hunter’s Feed in Ennis, Montana

We entered Montana in the absolute middle of nowhere in the middle of the day. This was the kind of place where you were lucky if you had a single bar of 3G. That said, it was beautiful and covered with snow covered mountains:

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We drove through mountains and not much else for a while. We happened to stop in the tiny town of Ennis. We picked the right day of the year. It was their annual Hunter’s Feed Festival. This meant all the hunters from all over Montana and other states were in town because hunting season was going to start the next day. There were loads of people to talk to and plenty of free food.
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Here’s the video:

We learned that Ennis is known for both hunting and fishing:2015-10-23 16.17.02-1 2015-10-23 16.23.55-1

We also learned that if we fancy wandering around on a mountain, we should wear hunter’s orange during hunting season, so we bought some hats:


Not the most fashionable, but then, better than getting shot by an errant bullet.

So far, Montana has been similar to Idaho in terms of friendliness, which is a good thing. One other thing related to hospitality that I have liked about both states is all 5 hotels have had warm chocolate chip cookies when we arrive in the evening. With the weather turning colder (well, honestly, even without it), it is appreciated.



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